Monday, November 19, 2007

Magna Chamber Elections

During November's Chamber of Commerce, Magna Chamber members voted into office three board members. The winning candidates were as follows:

  • Laura Jo McDermaid

  • Hank Hansen

  • Jack Nielsen

Monday, November 12, 2007

Mountain View Corridor meeting to be held Wednesday

UDOT will be holding a meeting at Hunter High on Wednesday the 14th, from 4 to 8 pm. Officials from UDOT will be on hand to answer questions and hear your comments. The Draft Environmental Impact Study has been completed, and now UDOt wants to hear from the public. The comment period will run until January 24, 2008.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Magna residents win Emmy Award

Two Magna men were awarded and Emmy Award last month for their work on a Channel 2 news story. David Rowan and Darren Bailey, edited and photographed the story. We will have an article profiling the achievement of these talented Magna residents. To see the award winning story click on the following link:

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Keep Cyprus High Clean

Apparently the situation at Cyprus High School has become so severe someone made this video to try and persuade students to clean it up.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Doug Bezzant elected as a trustee for Magna Water Board

Douglas Bezzant collected nearly twice as many votes as Dan Peay in the election for the Magna Water Board. Voters braved long lines Tuesday evening to cast their votes. The polls in Magna stayed open past 8:00 PM to allow everyone to vote. Election workers had a late night counting ballots. The official results weren't released until almost 2 AM Wednesday morning.

The final count was 1,021 for Bezzant and 649 for Peay. Mr. Bezzant talked to the Magna Times about his plans for Magna Water. Pick up a copy of this weeks issues to see what he said.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Long lines at polls for Magna residents

At the Magna Library Tuesday and Matheson Junior High, voters faced long lines at the polls. Over the course of day the lines gradually grew longer and longer. Hundreds of voters in Magna turned out to vote on Referendum 1 and the Magna Water Board. At the Magna Library the line snaked around bookshelves throughout the library. Many voters stood in line Tuesday evening for over an hour when the line was the longest.